MyMail - Email Admin Dashboard

MyMail - Email Admin Dashboard

Mastering inboxes, effortlessly. "My Mail" dashboard's innovative design simplifies email administration, offering a seamless blend of form and function.

Web App Design
About Project
Our Task
Design Process
Visual Design
Key Features

About the Project

MyMail is a platform that revolutionizes email management. It empowers users to streamline communication workflows and achieve superior organization within their inboxes.

Screens designed

12 screens

Clock icon

60 hours

Mobile messenger application design


Web App Design



Ordering country



Black Clock icon

Partnership period:


Our Task

The client approached us intending to create a solution to address the clutter and chaos often associated with traditional email interfaces. Our task was to design a platform that would provide a seamless and efficient user experience, allowing users to prioritize, sort, and manage their emails effectively.

Our Solution

In response to the client's needs, our team crafted a comprehensive solution to tackle email overload. By integrating intuitive categorization and a visually appealing layout, the platform empowers users to manage their inboxes easily and precisely.

Our Design Process

Research & Discovery
Initial research and discovery phase

The first phase of our design process involved a comprehensive research and discovery stage. We began by immersing ourselves in the client's vision and specific requirements for the email management platform. This included conducting in-depth competitor research to identify industry trends and potential gaps in the market. Additionally, we conducted a thorough audience analysis to understand the needs and pain points of the target audience within the email landscape.

UX stage

Following the research and discovery phase, we transitioned into the wireframing stage. During this stage, our team created a series of low-fidelity wireframes. These wireframes served as visual blueprints for the key functionalities of the platform, including the main dashboard, contacts section, emails section, and more. The wireframes focused on information architecture and user flows, meticulously outlining how users would navigate and interact with the platform.

UI Design
UI stage

With the foundation laid through wireframing, we proceeded to the UI design phase. At this stage, we focused on creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces that aligned with the client's brand identity. We meticulously selected a color palette and font that fostered a sense of organization and clarity within the email environment. Additionally, a custom set of icons was designed to enhance user comprehension and streamline navigation throughout the platform.

Adaptive Design
Adaptive design stage

Recognizing the diverse range of devices used for email access, we prioritized an adaptive design approach. This approach ensured the platform would seamlessly adapt and render flawlessly across various screen sizes, from desktop monitors to tablets and mobile devices. This adaptability catered to the evolving needs of users and the ever-growing trend of mobile email usage, ensuring an optimal experience regardless of the chosen device.

Clickable Prototype
Clickable prototype stage

The final stage of our design process involved the creation of a clickable prototype. This interactive prototype served as a crucial tool for client validation. It allowed the client to experience the email management platform firsthand, interact with its functionalities, and provide valuable feedback before proceeding to development. This iterative process ensured that the final product aligned seamlessly with the client's vision and addressed user needs effectively.


Research & Discovery




UI Design


Adaptive Design


Clickable Prototype


To lay the groundwork for the user interface design, we developed a series of comprehensive wireframes encompassing various platform functionalities. These wireframes provided a visual roadmap, outlining the user experience across key sections such as the main dashboard, email management tools, and more.

Wireframe of MyMail main dashboard
Wireframe of MyMail email dashboard
Wireframe of MyMail contacts dashboard
Wireframe of the MyMail email composition screen
Wireframe of the MyMail email detail view
Wireframe of MyMail add new contact screen
20 Wireframes

Visual Design

To elevate the user experience, we developed visually striking user interfaces that enhance productivity and engagement. Bold purple and magenta tones serve as primary action colors, complemented by softer hues for secondary elements, while a custom icon set and the versatile Poppins font family contribute to cohesive and user-friendly interfaces.

 MyMail typography
An example of using the MyMail typography
MyMail color palette
MyMail icons set

Key Features


Comprehensive Dashboard

A centralized hub that presents users with a holistic view of their email activity, including new messages, unread emails, updates, and more.

MyMail comprehensive dashboard feature

Email Management & Organization

Advanced email management and organization feature that sorts emails into different folders like important, social, and promotions for streamlined inbox navigation.

 MyMail email management and organization feature

Contact Management

A robust contact management system that enables users to effortlessly add, edit, and remove contacts, maintaining an up-to-date address book.

 MyMail contact management feature

Email Composition & Preview

An intuitive email creation tool that provides users with a real-time preview feature, allowing them to visualize the final appearance of their messages before sending.

MyMail email composition and preview feature

Screens Overview

UI design of MyMail email admin main dashboard
UI design of MyMail emails screen

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