Creative Brand – Agency Guiding Brands

Creative Brand – Agency Guiding Brands

Innovative solutions for creative excellence. Creative Brand's new website design reflects their expertise in creative marketing, featuring striking visuals and seamless navigation.

Website Design
About Project
Our Task
Design Process
Visual Design
Key Features

About the Project

Creative Brand is an agency that specializes in producing innovative marketing solutions. Their suite of services includes branding, event curation, and more. By offering a holistic approach to creative marketing, Creative Brand empowers clients to realize their most ambitious visions.

Screens designed

10 screens

Clock icon

85 hours

Adaptation icon

2 adaptation

Website design for the creative marketing agency
Mobile adaptive website design for the creative marketing agency


Website Design



Ordering country



Black Clock icon

Partnership period:


Our Task

The client's request was to establish a multifaceted website functioning as a professional portfolio. Our task involved designing a website that would demonstrate Creative Brand's proficiency in creative marketing, outline their diverse services, present their company narrative, exhibit their portfolio of work, and include compelling calls to action for potential clients.

Our Solution

Our design team developed a visually striking and intuitively navigable website. Emphasizing a bold and modern design, we ensured that each section seamlessly guides the user through the content, highlighting key information with compelling visuals and clear calls to action.

Our Design Process

Research & Discovery
Initial research and discovery phase

To establish a solid foundation for the project, we embarked on a comprehensive research and discovery phase. By immersing ourselves in the client's vision and conducting in-depth analyses of their target audience and competitive landscape, we gained a profound understanding of the project's scope and requirements. What is more, our meticulous exploration of the creative industry landscape allowed us to identify unique opportunities for brand differentiation and develop a clear strategic direction.

UX stage

Building upon the insights gleaned from the research and discovery phase, we meticulously crafted wireframes to outline the website's structure and user flow. These detailed blueprints served as the foundation for the user experience, defining the hierarchy of information and the interaction patterns between different pages. By focusing on user-centric design principles, we ensured a clear and intuitive navigation path throughout the website.

UI Design
UI stage

With well-defined wireframes as a starting point, our design team brought the website to life through the creation of visually compelling user interfaces. We meticulously crafted each element to reflect the client's brand identity and evoke the desired emotional response. By carefully considering color palettes, typography, visuals and icons, we established a cohesive and engaging visual language. Our goal was to create user interfaces that not only looked stunning but also enhanced usability and user satisfaction.

Adaptive Design
Adaptive design stage

To ensure optimal user experience across different devices, we implemented an adaptive design approach. By creating tailored designs for both desktop and mobile platforms, we optimized the website's layout and content for each screen size. This approach allowed us to deliver a consistent and engaging user experience, regardless of the device used to access the website.

Clickable Prototype
Clickable prototype stage

To facilitate client feedback and iterative refinement, we produced an interactive prototype of the website. This hands-on model allowed the client to experience the user flow firsthand, simulating the journey of potential clients exploring their services and case studies. The prototype served as a vital tool for aligning our design with the client's vision before proceeding to the development phase.


Research & Discovery




UI Design


Adaptive Design


Clickable Prototype


To ensure a robust and intuitive user experience, we created a series of wireframes covering everything from the home page to the case studies page and more. These wireframes provided a clear structural framework, ensuring an intuitive and seamless user experience throughout the website.

Wireframe of the Creative Brand’s homepage
Wireframe of Creative Brand's home page featuring the “Our Mission” section
Wireframe of Creative Brand's about us page
Wireframe of Creative Brand's case studies page
Wireframe of Creative Brand's case studies page
Wireframe of Creative Brand's feature project page

Visual Design

To encapsulate Creative Brand's innovative spirit, our design team crafted a bold visual identity. The color palette blends vibrant yellows with rich earth tones, creating a dynamic aesthetic. The clean lines of Expletus Sans typography and custom-designed icons further enhance the user experience, reinforcing the agency's distinctive brand voice.

Creative Brand typography
An example of using the Creative Brand typography
Creative Brand color palette
Creative Brand icons set

Key Features


Personalized Portfolio of Сases

A tailored portfolio that showcases diverse case studies, highlighting the agency's creative expertise and successful projects.

Creative Brand personalized portfolio of cases feature

Available on Different Devices

An adaptive design that optimizes navigation and readability for both desktop browsing and on-the-go mobile access.

Creative Brand adaptive design feature

Unique Graphics

Distinctive and custom-designed graphics that enhance the visual appeal and convey the agency's innovative approach.

 Creative Brand unique graphics feature

Showreel Collection

A curated collection of showreels that provides a dynamic and engaging overview of the agency's work.

Creative Brand showreel collection feature

Screens Overview

Creative Brand home page UI design
UI design of Creative Brand's about us page
UI design of the Creative Brand contact page
UI design of Creative Brand's our mission page
UI design of the Creative Brand case studies page
UI design of Creative Brand's feature project page

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