2NHealth - Patient Recruitment Company

2NHealth - Patient Recruitment Company

Revolutionizing patient recruitment for clinical trials. 2NHealth's modern, user-centric website reflects their innovative approach, guiding companies to expert recruitment services with bold visuals and clear CTA.

Website Design
About Project
Our Task
Design Process
Visual Design
Key Features

About the Project

2NHealth is a patient recruitment company specializing in identifying and engaging suitable patients for clinical trials. With a deep understanding of patient needs and trial requirements, they streamline the recruitment process, ensuring timely and successful trial enrollment.

Screens designed

50 screens

Clock icon

85 hours

Adaptation icon

3 adaptation


Website Design



Ordering country



Black Clock icon

Partnership period:


Our Task

The client approached us with the vision of a website that would set them apart in the patient recruitment field. Our task was to translate 2NHealth's expertise into a visually compelling and easily navigable online platform tailored both for clinical research companies and patients.

Our Solution

Our design team crafted a state-of-the-art website that emphasizes 2NHealth's exceptional proficiency in the clinical trial patient recruitment field. The modern design effectively highlights key metrics and provides comprehensive, detailed information about their services.

Our Design Process

Research & Discovery
Initial research and discovery phase

Our design process began with an in-depth research and discovery phase. We thoroughly explored the client's vision, conducting extensive competitor research and audience analysis to understand the landscape of clinical trial patient recruitment. This phase ensured that we aligned our design strategy with industry standards and the specific needs of 2NHealth's target audience, leading to a solid foundation for the project's success.

UX stage

In the wireframing phase, we created detailed wireframes for each web page, from the homepage to the contact page. These wireframes served as the blueprint for the website, outlining the structure and flow of content. By focusing on user pathways specific to patient recruitment, we ensured that the navigation was intuitive and that critical information about 2NHealth’s services was easily accessible.

UI Design
UI stage

In the UI design phase, we transformed the initial wireframes into stunning user interfaces. By incorporating visually compelling elements and adhering to best practices, we developed a design system that effectively conveys 2NHealth’s brand identity and engages the target audience. Special attention was given to the color scheme, typography, and imagery to ensure a consistent and professional appearance.

Adaptive Design
Adaptive design stage

In the adaptive design phase, we ensured that the website was fully responsive and accessible across various devices and screen sizes. This adaptability was crucial for reaching a broader audience, including clinics and patients who accessed the site from different platforms. By maintaining a consistent user experience, we enhanced the website’s functionality and accessibility, which was essential for the clinical trial recruitment industry.

Clickable Prototype
Clickable prototype stage

The final phase was the creation of a clickable prototype, an interactive model of the website that allowed the client to experience and evaluate the design firsthand. This prototype was essential for gathering client feedback and making necessary adjustments before the development stage. By providing a tangible preview, we ensured that the website met all the client's requirements and effectively showcased 2NHealth's patient recruitment capabilities.


Research & Discovery




UI Design


Adaptive Design


Clickable Prototype


To establish a comprehensive foundation for the user interface design, we developed an extensive set of over 100 wireframes. These wireframes served as detailed visual blueprints, meticulously outlining the user's journey across all aspects of the website.

Wireframe of the 2NHealth homepage
Wireframe of the 2NHealth participant page
Wireframe of the 2NHealth what is page
Wireframe of the 2NHealth case studies page
Wireframe of the 2NHealth about us page
Wireframe of the 2NHealth about us page
100+ Wireframes

Visual Design

To enhance the website's visual appeal and usability, our design team focused on creating a cohesive and modern aesthetic. A carefully selected color palette, combined with the clean lines of Manrope typography and custom iconography, contributes to a professional and user-centric experience.

2NHealth typography
An example of using the 2NHealth typography
2NHealth color palette
2NHealth icons set

Key Features


Сase Studies with Detailed Charts

In-depth case studies featuring detailed charts that provide a clear visualization of patient recruitment progress and outcomes.

2NHealth case studies with detailed charts feature

Adaptive for Each Page

A fully adaptive design that ensures optimal viewing and interaction on every page, regardless of device or screen size.

2NHealth adaptive design feature

Custom Charts

Interactive, customizable data visualizations that provide real-time insights into patient enrollment, and recruitment progress at a glance.

2NHealth custom charts feature

Comprehensive Recruitment Analytics

Robust analytics dashboard showcasing key metrics on targeting, creative performance, and reporting for optimized patient enrollment strategies.

2NHealth comprehensive recruitment analytics feature

Screens Overview

UI design of the 2NHealth participant page
2NHealth remote recruitment page UI design
UI design of the 2NHealth contact page
UI design of the 2NHealth 404 error page
2NHealth remote recruitment page UI design
UI design of the 2NHealth case studies page
UI design of the 2NHealth "What is 2NHealth" page
UI design of the 2NHealth home page
UI design of the 2NHealth home page
UI design of the 2NHealth about us page

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