
How to make a pitch deck for a TV show

Max Voronin
Max Voronin
15 minAugust 8, 2024
How to make a pitch deck for a TV show
How to make a pitch deck for a TV show

So, you’ve spent hours generating ideas from personal experiences, literary sources, or whatever, scrolled through numerous visual references for inspiration, and now you’ve got what you wanted - a perfect TV show concept that can become a new Netflix hit. You have managed to scrape through your doubts and feel the necessity to move forward with your idea. But how do we take a step toward recognition and success? How can you make producers and other stakeholders notice your TV show’s potential and invest in your project? The answer is a winning and polished TV show pitch deck. It unlocks many growth opportunities for your reality show idea and empowers your creative juices to conquer new heights.

The entertainment niche is stiff and requires more fresh and creative approaches. The competition is hard, and TV projects should be original and boast long-term profitability and longevity to attract resources and get funded. You definitely should impress stakeholders with your genuine TV show idea and demonstrate that your project will benefit them. This is where a quality TV show pitch deck comes into play. It is key to showcase your TV show story and concept as an immersive experience. Moreover, this visual presentation reflects the value, vibe, and bright advantages of the project and allows you to introduce your idea in a smart and clear way.

In this article, we consider the essentials of a pitch deck in the TV industry, its components, and its potential, as well as share tips on creating a winning reality show pitch deck. Learn how to unveil your TV show’s potential and enjoy great results.

In this article, we consider the essentials of a pitch deck in the TV industry, its components, and its potential, as well as share tips on creating a winning reality show pitch deck. Learn how to unveil your TV show’s potential and enjoy great results.

Importance of a pitch deck in the TV industry

A TV show pitch deck is a deeply thought-out visual presentation compiled to introduce your TV show idea to the interested public and outline its core, including the target audience, the plot, the characters, and potential profitability. Its importance is indisputable, as it gives an array of development opportunities and ensures the potential for success. If you compile a smart reality show pitch deck, you can clearly explain your creative product, make it a well-known project, and attract more stakeholders. It helps you to showcase your unique vision and highlight the strong sides of the TV show idea.

One of the vital aspects of implementing and promoting a television project is finding financial resources. Money plays a crucial role in the establishment of any entertainment product, so it’s no wonder creators primarily care about securing funding. A good TV series pitch can help you persuade producers or networks to invest in your project and support it in the long run. It outlines the concept and special advantages of your work, allowing you to communicate your idea to potential production companies and investors effectively. It also shows your motivation, strong interest, and enthusiasm to realize it, which can influence the investors’ decision in your favor.

In addition, a well-crafted pitch presentation can provide beneficial collaboration offers and win over people’s hearts, leading to successful partnerships. By having a professional pitch deck at hand, you can find a good production company and land a beneficial distribution deal. If you want to lure some celebrities or popular TV stars to join your project, then a dynamic TV show pitch deck is your ticket to a great deal. It reflects the vibrant potential for your show's popularity and appeals to those who want to become part of a fresh television product.

Brief mention of different types of TV shows

Before we move on to the process of creating a TV show pitch deck, let’s explore different shows and their specifics. Nowadays, television shows come in various types and formats, catering to diverse preferences and interests. Thanks to various TV streaming platforms, multiple broadcast networks, and dozens of cable networks, everyone can find a show to match their taste. Television formats are more available to people than ever before. TV entertainment ranges from reality shows to sketch comedies. Here are some common TV show types offering distinct insights into storytelling.

1. Docuseries

Docuseries have become the preferred means of entertainment and source of information for viewers around the world. These non-fictional motion pictures document reality and maintain a historical record. They are extremely popular and intend to instruct, educate, and entertain viewers. The documentary phenomenon lies in its ability to combine inspiring subjects with factual information. This way, viewers get a dynamic, immersive experience and enjoy great storytelling. Docu-series tend to involve real events, sports history, true crime, and various known historical facts. Simultaneously, it makes no promise of being entirely accurate in its interpretation. Some popular docuseries examples are “Pumping Iron” and “No Place on Earth.”

2. Reality shows

Reality shows owe much of their success to people’s curiosity and habit of observing other people’s traits. These television products feature supposedly real-life situations and star unknown ordinary people placed in various situations. Program makers often create these extraordinary situations themselves to represent unexpected twists and turns of everyday life. Reality show creators strive to provide entertainment rather than information and hook viewers with compelling narratives. This TV show type contains relatable human stories, dramatic twists, and competitive elements (for example, in quiz shows, participants can compete with each other to prove their knowledge, win the title of champion, or just win a prize). You may have watched or heard about such popular reality shows as “Dance Monsters,” “Love Is Blind,” “Survivor,” and “Big Brother”.

3. Scripted TV shows

Scripted shows denote constructed reality and have become extremely popular in recent years. They are produced according to a script and lack a spontaneous aspect. All the content within a scripted show is usually pre-arranged by the production company. For example, a scripted drama will occur in a certain surrounding, with certain participants and pre-agreed conflict. Scripted TV shows include commercials, television series, and movies.

4. News shows

One more common TV show type is news programming. News shows deliver comprehensive coverage of all the current global issues and extraordinary events. They serve as a trusted source of information and news for people from all over the world. News programs are popular due to numerous scandals and unusual events, as well as their interactivity and excitement. They allow people to be aware of all important events, widen their outlook, and make informed decisions about their lives. Popular examples of news programs are CNN Newsroom and BBC News.

Other common TV show types include comedy series, animated shows, sports shows, crime dramas, and game shows. Regardless of what type your TV show idea falls into, crafting an interactive pitch deck and aligning it to industry standards can help you get noticed in the highly saturated entertainment field.

Components of a TV show pitch deck

As we have mentioned before, a TV show pitch deck is a clear presentation intended to convince production companies, studios, and producers to invest in a certain TV show idea. It is a superior fundraising tool that enables aspiring creators to get noticed by investors. A smart presentation allows you to pitch your concepts directly to industry professionals and get feedback and support from them. But it’s possible when all the elements of a TV pitch are combined into a clear overall picture. Each component of your visual presentation should be in its place and work for your image. This way, you can showcase the potential of your show and convince others that this project is worth giving a chance. Here are some main components of a professional TV show pitch deck.

Components of a TV show pitch deck

1. Elevator pitch

Also called a logline, this is the core of your TV show. It describes the basics of a project and covers details like “Who are the characters?” and “What do they do and want?”. A logline is a short summary of your show, and it usually consists of one or two sentences that reflect the essence of the project. It should clearly reflect the concept and value of the show. Also, it should be engaging and snappy enough to break through the noise.

A good logline usually provides a snapshot of the TV product’s appeal and plot. Ideally, it should hook viewers and make them crave more. That’s why your task is to compile an elevator pitch in a way that makes people want to read to the end. For inspiration, look at Shrek’s possible logline: “A mean lord exiles fairytale creatures to the swamp of a grumpy ogre, and now the ogre and a hyperactive donkey must go on a quest and save a princess to get the land back.”

You can look through the loglines of various popular movies and train in writing your own. Try to make it enticing enough to arouse interest and encourage people to look forward to continuing.

2. One-sheet

This is a condensed variant of your idea, resembling something between a business card and a resume. A one-sheet is what you leave to the executives after your actual pitch. It’s well known that they hear numerous pitches per week. Your task is to make a great first impression during your actual pitch and then reinforce that impression after you leave the scene.

A one-sheet is a bright summary that will make them remember your idea and remind them about your uniqueness when you are not around. It should cover your name, contact information, and vital elements of your pitch, such as the show's logline, name, and genre. Also, it should include several captivating and brief paragraphs that outline your TV show idea and highlight its value and your unique vision.

In addition, you can include other relevant information and biographical facts that may impact the executives’ decision. For instance, if your show is about medicine and medical issues and you have worked the past twenty years in a clinic, mentioning this fact in your one-sheet will give you more chances to be remembered.

3. Series bible

The series bible is the broadest component of the pitch, as it explores the world you are going to create in detail. It delivers an in-depth look into your show and provides comprehensive information about the project. This element should be around seven pages and start with the logline and title. It must contain the following details: story arcs, characters’ descriptions, character development, and a detailed synopsis outlining what the entire series is about, its main point, and where it is set.

Pay attention to describing the key characters and mention their motivation and status. Explain how they relate to other characters and the world of the series. Mention their flaws and bright traits. Then, include a pilot episode, sharing what happens and why. Add a season outline and give a list of all the episodes. This way, you will demonstrate that you have developed your show in detail.

4. Pilot script

This is the vital part of your TV show pitch deck, where your concept takes shape. Your pilot script is the first chapter of your show, introducing the conflicts, the main characters, and the setting. It provides the executives with a chance to assess your tone and writing style and get the audience analysis to understand how people will perceive your show.

Types of TV show pitch decks

If you have looked through various TV show pitch deck examples, you must have noticed that they differ in their means and strategies. Creators may craft TV show pitch decks for different audiences. And every audience requires a special approach. There are different ways to arrange TV pitch decks.

One of the common TV show pitch deck types is an investment deck. It’s obvious that investors need specific information, and an investment pitch will differ from the one for co-creators. It will contain a detailed mood board and information on the production budget.

A marketing pitch deck is also a popular TV show pitch type. It provides information about a TV project's value proposition and benefits. By using such a pitch deck, you can convince potential partners that your TV show idea is worth trying and make them become a part of your production team.

Steps to create a TV show pitch deck

How can you create a TV show pitch deck? First, you need to choose graphic design software or a slide program to make a professional combination of text and images. It can be InDesign, Photoshop, Canva, Keynote, or even PowerPoint. Once you choose a suitable program and learn its technical side, it’s time to get the creation process started. Here are some steps to craft a winning TV show pitch deck.

Steps to create a TV show pitch deck

1. Make an emotional hook

Explore various successful TV show pitches examples, and you will notice that they all have one thing in common, and this is a genuine emotion. An emotional hook is what makes your audience resonate with your TV show idea. Browse some universal topics like redemption, loss, and love and find what can excite your viewers. It will help you create an enticing vibe and an influential message.

2. Compile a powerful logline

A logline is a crucial part of a TV show pitch deck. By crafting a strong logline, you can stimulate people’s interest and grow your chances for success. Your logline should sell your idea and be sharp and short. Describe your characters in a dynamic and clear manner and add a specific goal to their actions. Explain what your characters want, need, and strive to achieve. Delve deep into their worldview, personal motives, and desires. Don’t use character names and concentrate on their personalities.

3. Describe the setting

Take time to describe the setting and explain everything in detail. What are the surroundings in your show? Where do the events take place? Is it a modern world or maybe a historical past? Answer these questions and try to provide a vivid description. Pay attention to the style, color palette, and musical accompaniment of your future show.

4. Highlight market viability

This vital step will help you attract resources and supporters. Focus on your idea’s market viability and demonstrate how your project can become a new hit. Explain how your concept and vision correspond to the current trends and describe your target audience. This way, you will demonstrate your awareness of people’s preferences and needs.

5. Develop your concept

Be ready to evolve your TV show. Demonstrate that you have plans for the future of your TV project and can elaborate on future seasons. Let the executives notice that you are collaborative and flexible. Show them you can work in a team to refine your idea and vision. Ponder the development of your show and reinforce its potential with a strategic plan.

Tips for a successful TV show pitch

Developing a professional TV show pitch deck can be a daunting task, requiring special knowledge and skills. However, if you spend enough time on study and research, you will be able to produce an influential pitch deck. Here are some crucial tips to make your TV show pitch deck a successful product..

1. Explain your show

Be ready to explain your TV show idea swiftly and in simple terms. What is your show about? Answer this question quickly and in a bright manner. Avoid complex structures and long sentences. If you manage to describe it easily and make people grasp the core message of your show, then you enhance your winning odds.

2. Do research

Conduct market research to grasp the potential and growth chances of your TV project and compile a list of strong points in favor of your idea. Look at the competitors and evaluate their success. Try to find out what sets them apart from the competition and think of what can help you on your TV show growth journey. Analyze people’s preferences and explore relevant trends to understand how you can make your TV project more attractive to viewers.

3. Practice

Have a run-through of your pitch beforehand to feel more confident and prepared. Practice a series of pitches out loud, imagining that you are sharing your idea and story with friends. Try to rehearse your speech in front of a camera or a mirror. It will help you notice all possible weak points and mistakes and fix them appropriately. While practicing, pay attention to how you feel, look, and sound.

Examples and case studies


One of the successful examples of TV show decks is the “Wednesday” pitch deck. Its strong aesthetics and detailed plot and character descriptions make it a masterful pitch deck example. The creators skilfully added clickable elements and animation, allowing viewers to immerse in the story world’s reality.


The “Stranger Things” pitch deck is a superior example of a supernatural TV show that combines powerful storytelling and a nostalgic vibe. This pitch includes vibrant visual elements that create an exceptional tone and atmosphere.


One more bright deck is the “Ultimate Beastmaster” pitch deck. This one combines strong visual elements, global appeal, and a dynamic and exciting format, making this pitch deck an innovative promotional tool. The deck contains the unique aspects of the show and emphasizes its diversity.

Can you hire a professional to create a pitch deck for you?

Surely, you can hire design professionals to craft a professional and smart TV show pitch deck. It will save you time and effort and enable you to concentrate on the creative part. Expert designers know all the intricacies of compiling a winning TV pitch deck and have experience in various industries and niches, allowing them to adapt your pitch to a required format.

To sum up

In the highly competitive entertainment landscape, crafting a distinguished TV show pitch deck is paramount to securing the attention of production companies and producers. This comprehensive presentation serves as a springboard for introducing your idea with clarity and professionalism. Regardless of your genre, be it reality, documentary, or even a cooking show, a compelling pitch deck is instrumental in attracting fruitful partnerships and collaborations.

A well-crafted TV show pitch deck empowers creators to effectively promote their projects and garner support. This tool unlocks a multitude of development opportunities, paving the way for the realization of even the most audacious concepts.

By following the outlined principles, you can take the initiative and cultivate a captivating presentation that yields exceptional results. However, for those seeking to expedite this process and achieve guaranteed excellence, the DreamX team is ready to assist! Our designers possess the experience to craft a pitch deck that will grab the attention of industry decision-makers and propel your project towards the green light. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you transform your vision into a captivating reality!

Head of Lead Generation
Max Voronin
Head of Lead Generation
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Max Voronin is the Head of Lead Generation at DreamX. He is dedicated to developing strategies that cultivate high-quality leads and forge strong partnerships, fueling the company's growth.

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