
Pitch deck meaning and its importance in entrepreneurship

Veronika Ovchynnykova
Veronika Ovchynnykova
7 minMay 29, 2024
What is a pitch deck?
What is a pitch deck?

What is the purpose of a pitch deck? It may help you get funding for your business idea. Find out how to turn your presentation into a success by reading this article.

What is a pitch deck?

The world of fundraising has its own rules and etiquette. Potential investors may request various documents to gain a deeper understanding of your startup, its market perspective, and its ability to deliver returns on their investment. Typically, they ask for a business plan, a cap table, financial projections, sheet terms and others. However, it all starts with a pitch deck.

If all terms are more or less familiar to entrepreneurs, their understanding of a pitch deck is often insufficient. What is it about? It is a concise presentation that serves as a visual companion to your business plan. A slideshow created in PowerPoint, Google Slides or Keynote that summarizes your goals, solutions, market and financial potential. A professional pitch deck has a special magic - its flashing slides can encourage the investors to fund your project.

Why a pitch deck? In the business world, "to pitch" refers to the act of presenting an idea or proposal to someone with the goal of getting support. It is like a salesperson pitching a product to a customer. “A deck” refers to a deck of cards. And a pitch slide is analogous to a card in a deck of cards. Over time, the term “pitch deck” has entered the startup and entrepreneurial circles as a style of visual business presentation.

Importance in entrepreneurship

Securing a meeting with investors is already a milestone for a beginning entrepreneur – it is like winning a lottery. However, the reality is tough - only a tiny 0.91% manage to get funding from an angel investor, and an even smaller 0.05% get venture capital funding. Surely, it is frustrating to be among those who have missed this chance. A clear and engaging pitch deck can change it all! A skillfully crafted slideshow works in several directions at once:

  • Communicates your business model.
  • Attracts partners and customers.
  • Secures funding.

In other words, a compelling pitch deck significantly increases the chances for your idea to get the green light and, what is more important, financial support.

Benefits of professional pitch deck design

What constitutes a pitch deck?

As you have already got it, a pitch deck is a collection of slides. Usually, it consists of 10 to 20 slides, which ideally take 10 to 20 minutes to demonstrate. A successful pitch deck resembles a brief movie, where each slide is a comprehensive and well-designed scene. And the plot is your business project. It is optimal for each scene to include a visual conveying the slide's key message and a clear text explaining it. Together, these scenes should form a positive narrative of your business with a strong accent on its potential.

Overview of pitch deck components

It is absolutely true to say that each business proposal is unique and needs a special presentation. However, investors who have seen hundreds if not thousands of pitch decks agree that it is always a simple formula that works best. One of these is known as the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint introduced by Guy Kawasaki. It is very straightforward – create 10 slides, plan your presentation for up to 20 minutes and use font 30 to make the text easy to scan. Still, your slide deck must not only be aesthetically pleasing; it must deliver precise-concise information on your business and highlight its value proposition in the most favorable way. Thus, there are some critical elements to include in a start-up pitch.

1. Executive summary

The first impression is often the last impression. Provide a clear and concise company overview, including its history, mission, value proposition, and target market. It must be similar to a short tweet but well-aimed and informative.

2. Problem

Indicate the market gaps your idea is going to address. List the challenges faced by your target market - it will give your audience an understanding of what you are offering. A clear-cut problem will let potential investors assess the value of your idea.

3. Solution

How will you solve the problem? It is crucial to explain how your offering stands out from existing solutions. Your product or service should be superior to what the market offers. Use visuals to prove you will do it better, faster, and cheaper.

4. Market fit

Demonstrate the size and potential of the market you are entering. Do market research to provide data and statistics and showcase the demand for your solution. Investors are especially interested in scalable projects that can grow and expand their reach.

5. Competitor analysis

Analyze your competitors' strengths and weaknesses using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) or a similar approach. Prove your solution is more affordable, convenient and powerful. This comparison must show your competitive advantage.

6. Product/service highlights

Showcase your offering wisely. Do not just list the technical features of your product or service. Instead, demonstrate your benefits for the target market. Use screenshots, infographics, or even short demo videos to showcase its functionality and user interface.

7. Traction

If you are already making sales or have early users of your product, share that here. Any evidence you have proving your solution works makes it less risky for investors – use metrics like customer and revenue growth. Add a roadmap showing milestones you have reached and further steps.

8. Team

Uncover the powerhouse behind your business—the talented individuals who drive your vision forward. In addition to names and titles, showcase each team member's specific skills and experience. Presenting only a core team is enough.

9. Financials

In this slide, you must convince investors that your business model is sound and has the potential to generate revenue and achieve profitability. Metrics to include are revenue, expenses, profitability, burn rate for startups and funding needs.

10. Investment

This is actually the purpose of your pitch deck. It is a CTA slide that outlines the specific investment amount you are seeking. Show how the funds will be allocated for various needs of your business and state your profit expectations. Be realistic in your requests to succeed.

Distinction from an elevator pitch

A pitch deck is often mixed up with an elevator pitch. These two terms are even taken for one. However, they are absolutely different things. In simple words, an elevator pitch can be compared with a captivating headline that encourages the reader to discover what is behind it. At the same time, a pitch deck presents a detailed brochure with enough visuals and data to convince the audience.

FeaturePitch DeckElevator Pitch
FormatA visual slideshowA concise verbal explanation
Length10-20 minutes1 minute on average
PurposeAn in-depth explanation of a business model.Spark interest in a business idea and make a positive impression.
ContentSeparate slides devoted to problem/solution, target market, business model, team and financing.Covers core aspects – the problem your business solves, a unique value proposition and a target market.
DeliveryA formal presentation with data and visuals.An informal conversation starter.

Importance of visual aids

If you cannot hold the attention of the audience during the first 30 seconds, you will lose them for the rest of the presentation. Visual content can become a game changer and empower your pitch deck to win a potential investor. Here are some specific types of visuals that can be particularly effective:

  • Charts and graphs. Use these elements to structure data and trends in a clear and concise way.

  • Infographics. Combine data, illustrations, and text to make information simple to scan.

  • Photos and images. Use high-quality images that capture attention and support your message.

  • Logos and icons. Use your company logo consistently across slides for your brand to be always visible.

You can even use mockups and prototypes to showcase your product or service visually, especially when it is difficult to explain in words.

Types of pitch decks: Email vs. In-person presentations

When you are going to pitch your business, it is always the best way to do it in front of your audience. However, it is not always possible to demonstrate your pitch deck in person. Sometimes, you need to send it by email. And you must have two different types of decks for these scenarios.

  • In-person pitch deck

When you are delivering a live presentation, your slides should be optimized to keep the focus on you as a presenter. They provide images, numbers and text to support your speech. The audience should not get distracted trying to read the sides over your shoulder. Your energy and excitement are part and parcel of the presentation.

  • Email pitch deck

This type of presentation is like a captivating brochure, enticing the reader to learn more. It will work on its own, so you should make it more information-rich. Find a proper balance between images, text, and infographics to encourage recipients to read it to the end and want to dig for more. It must look like a great introduction to a bestseller book.

Whatever pitch deck you are going to use to attract investors, remember that it should be concise. After all, it is only the hook and not the detailed explanation of your entire business.

Crafting an effective pitch deck

A powerful pitch deck can become a golden ticket for your business. Today, it is not difficult to master PowerPoint and create your own pitch deck. Besides, numerous online platforms offer pre-designed templates for this purpose. However, design skills, storytelling expertise, and knowledge of best practices play a role in crafting a truly impactful presentation. A strong pitch deck is a blend of compelling content and impactful design.

Professionals know the intricacies of choosing the right visuals, layout, and branding strategies to grab attention, convey information clearly, and leave a lasting impression. Consider partnering with DreamX to get a visually stunning and impactful pitch deck that will secure funding for your business.


Even a professional pitch deck is not a guarantee of success. Investors and partners consider the team behind the idea. They want to see passion, expertise, and a strong leadership team that knows how to overcome obstacles. A great pitch deck can create a good first impression, but building trust with potential backers is crucial for securing investment.

Team Lead of UX/UI Designers
Veronika Ovchynnykova
Team Lead of UX/UI Designers
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Veronika is a UX/UI design team lead driven by a passion for user-centric design. She spearheads the creation of innovative and effective design solutions that elevate the user experience.

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