
How to end a pitch deck

Max Voronin
Max Voronin
8 minAugust 15, 2024
How to end a pitch deck
How to end a pitch deck

Imagine that you have spent hours preparing a superior pitch deck and putting yourself in harmony with your capabilities and challenges. You may have delivered your pitch with all the power, clarity, and confidence. But how do you end a pitch deck so that stakeholders remember you and your idea? What ending can persuade them to take action, support your business, and, lastly, invest their money? Today, we are going to answer these questions and find the perfect way to build an influential pitch deck conclusion. Explore the essential points we have gathered below and learn how to leave a lasting impression on your audience!

Importance of a strong ending in a pitch deck

Crafting a strong pitch deck is key to a special bond with your audience and the overall success of your business idea. A well-thought-out pitch built with a clear strategy in mind gives you more chances to break through the noise. When speaking about a perfect pitch deck structure, we can’t omit the essential parts of any investor presentation, such as a catchy opening slide, pain points, values your product delivers, solution, etc. All these elements make it easier for people to perceive your presentation. However, we all want people not only to listen to us but to remember our message and style. Everybody strives to get noticed and appreciated. How do you achieve this, then? The answer is through a well-crafted business pitch ending. It is worth noting that the way you end a sales pitch defines the further success of your startup.

Your listeners most probably encounter dozens of various candidates a day, and they simply get tired of all the information they consume. Moreover, the startups and presentations they are considering can be pretty similar at their core. That’s why you should make your best effort to end your pitch with a bang, stimulating and retaining the investor interest. A strong ending can convince your audience of the future growth and viability of your project. Also, the value you showcase at the final stage is all your stakeholders will remember about your performance.

A strong ending combined with good presentation skills will impress your audience and prompt them to make a choice in your favor. So, we recommend that you care about your pitch-ending slides and key takeaways from the beginning of the creation process. Start creating your pitch deck with the end of your presentation in mind. Don’t forget about your priorities and the outcomes you seek. Shape an influential close and enroll backers, letting the world discover your idea.

Recap of key points

Average human memory has limited potential, and that means your audience will remember only several bright points from your pitch. So, you should focus on those things that matter the most. Concentrate on vital points that capture people's attention and produce lasting impressions. Think about your benefits and what sets you apart from the crowd. What makes your idea so special? Recap everything that makes your product innovative and useful for people. Look through closing slide examples, see how others highlight their stand-out points, and find inspiration and things that can work for you.

Explain why people should support you and invest in your project. Tell them about the perks they can get and future profits your startup can generate. Highlight the relevance and importance of your case, uncovering proof the idea is worth trying. This will help people acknowledge the attractiveness of your business. Also, remember the potential of storytelling in pitch decks and how it can win over your audience’s hearts and minds.

Recap of key points

Summarizing the main points of the presentation

Everyone wants to be heard no matter what is going on, especially in the competitive surroundings. When it comes to earning the audience’s attention and trust, summarizing is your dedicated ally. It makes you look more professional and consistent and helps people identify the most important ideas in your pitch. By summarizing the main points of your pitch, you are able to communicate the main message without getting lost in the details.

Mention your vision and mission statement to demonstrate the values your product supports. There must be something that will make the audience resonate with your concept. Point out the issues people often face and show how your project can relieve the situation. Remind of the problem and share stories of people struggling with it. Underline the importance of resolving the issue. Then, bring them solutions that make lives easier and still are profitable for investors. Discuss the specifics and unique proposition of your idea. How does your startup work?

And lastly, explain why you should realize the idea right now. Why is it the perfect time to bring your concept to life? Maybe, these days, the problem your product is resolving has reached a large scale. Or maybe your solution can change the saturated market that is no longer aligning with the needs of customers. Find your “Why” and “Why right now” and summarize all this to your listeners.

Highlighting critical data and achievements

We have already mentioned that there can be a lot of similar startups and ideas like yours. But anyway, you should strive to stand out from the crowd. Demonstrate that you have more than just a good idea and values. Tell them about the expertise you and your team possess and what other advantages and tools are available at your disposal. For example, one of your team members has worked for years in a certain industry and knows everything about the specifics of your project. Or you have been working in marketing for the last fifteen years and know the ways to promote your project so that it succeeds in no time. Or you are an influencer and can bring swift recognition to the product. Whatever the case, focus on it and share about this. This will stimulate engagement with the audience and grow your chances for success.

Besides concentrating mostly on long-term goals, talk about the current achievements and results. Give examples of how your service or product has already helped other people achieve their targets. Emotional appeal in pitches always makes a difference. So, share the stories of real people using your product and getting great results (don’t forget to ask for their consent)

Add call to action (CTA)

How to end a sales pitch so that you get the desired reaction and actions from the stakeholders? The answer is plain. Sometimes, people don’t take any actions until you tell them to take them. So, think about what you are going to reach and what you actually need. Do you want to reach recognition and increase your credibility? Do you plan to enroll ambassadors and other experienced people? Or probably you need money and consistent financing. Or do you just want to explore your audience as much as possible? No matter what, ask people to take the actions you need. Build a strong call to action and start developing your project quicker. Remember that an effective call to action is your ticket to success.

Next steps (Providing a roadmap or timeline)

Here, you should demonstrate the future trajectory of your project so that your investors understand your strategy and know what to expect in the long run. You uncover the key milestones concerning product development, customer acquisition, and revenue growth. This will help your audience grasp more about your product or service and prompt them to make a decision sooner.

Including a thank you slide

Politeness is still a value appreciated by most people, especially in their professional surroundings. That’s why it makes sense to include a thank you slide in your pitch deck. Finish your pitch on a gracious note and leave a positive impression.

Closing with confidence

If you want to succeed in sales or promoting your product or brand, confidence should become your ally. A confident person can convince potential investors and easily close deals. Also, when speaking out with confidence, you sound more professional and honest to people. So try your best to be confident while pitching on the stage. Make sure you have prepared well for a pitch session and have a clear understanding of your service or product. Additionally, you may practice your pitch with your friend or in front of a mirror to feel more confident.


A strong pitch ending is key to great partnerships, funding, and overall success for your project. It forms a final impression about your product and can help people remember your idea and concept. Build a smart closing statement and ensure a sleek slide design (you can do this part yourself or turn to seasoned specialists like DreamX). Keep the essentials of pitch endings in mind and create a great final note!

Head of Lead Generation
Max Voronin
Head of Lead Generation
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Max Voronin is the Head of Lead Generation at DreamX. He is dedicated to developing strategies that cultivate high-quality leads and forge strong partnerships, fueling the company's growth.

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