
What to include in a pitch deck to impress investors

Iryna Boboshko
Iryna Boboshko
15 minSeptember 23, 2024
What to include in a pitch deck to impress investors
What to include in a pitch deck to impress investors

All businesses and startups start from an idea that can captivate people and prompt them to purchase. If you want to enhance your business’s chances for success, you should present your idea in a clear and impactful manner. The way you introduce your business idea to audiences influences their willingness to back up your project, their attitude, how they feel about your business, and whether they have an interest in investing. You may present it to potential partners, angel investors, or venture capitalists, but anyway, you should make efforts to impress them with your idea and make them choose your business over hundreds of others. But how do you accomplish that? The answer is a tried method, and it is a sleek pitch deck development. If you create an impactful presentation, you can help others learn about your business quickly.

With a professional business pitch deck, you will communicate your business idea effectively and unlock more opportunities to lure potential investors and secure funding. However, crafting a pitch deck can seem a challenging task, requiring certain skills and knowledge, as a business presentation is more than a bunch of assembled slides. It involves conducting thorough research, having market knowledge as well as strategic planning and thinking skills, and being aware of all the necessary steps to design a working pitch deck. In this article, we explore the essentials of creating an influential pitch deck and figure out why having a pitch deck is so crucial for every entrepreneur or startup owner.

Importance of a pitch deck

A pitch deck serves as a powerful business plan presentation and a concise overview of a company. It helps other people grasp the core of your business idea and get a deep understanding of what you are going to implement. Whatever the industry you are in, a pitch deck is of high importance for your project development and consistent growth. Whether you plan to make a film and cut through the noise in the cinema industry, develop a video game concept to sell it then to investors and potential studio publishers, or want to launch a successful tech startup, every case needs a well-thought entrepreneur pitch deck. That will enhance the brand reputation and increase the chances for success significantly. There are also other reasons to craft a pitch deck for your project, and now we will try to break them down.

First, creating a pitch deck plays a significant role in demonstrating the viability of the market opportunity your project is addressing. Potential backers and investors need to know that your service or product can prosper in a growing and substantial market. They want to be sure that there is enough space for development and getting profits from the project. By having a pitch deck, you can showcase the attractiveness of your business idea and prompt more people to choose your product. A professional fundraising pitch usually includes meticulous market research, a competitive analysis, data on the overall growth potential, and industry trends. All this information allows you to provide your audiences with the right context and prove that your idea is pretty viable and worth giving a chance. Also, it will demonstrate you are well aware of your niche and have a solid understanding of what you deal with.

Second, a good startup presentation is important for the high-quality investor communication process and for highlighting the benefits of your project. A well-crafted pitch deck contains information about your business model canvas and reasonable financial projections that will help potential investors understand how they are supposed to obtain a return on their investments. Everyone wants to know what will happen to their money if they support a certain startup, and pitch deck writing enables you to demonstrate to them clearly how your business will generate revenue and grow over time. An investor pitch helps you persuade potential investors and supporters that your business is able to scale and create profits in the long run. It outlines your revenue model and ensures your audience that your project is sustainable and worth trying.

Finally, an investor presentation helps businesses develop no matter what the pitching result takes place. It serves as a powerful growth tool, nourishing you with new skills, practice, and experience. A good pitch deck usually facilitates discussions and helps entrepreneurs understand all the peculiarities of the business and evaluate its potential. It allows you to get valuable feedback and assess what you need to improve and work on. If investors don’t agree to pour their money into your business idea, you still get precious feedback that can unlock more future opportunities. You will know what you should pay attention to and what points and approaches you should immediately change. This way, you will know your project and find out the proper steps to reach your strategic goals. Constructive criticism you get while pitching will help you refine your idea and make it more viable next time.

Purpose of a pitch deck

A winning pitch deck unlocks multiple growth opportunities and is key to consistent business development. It allows people from various industries to try out their ideas, declare them to others, and describe their uniqueness. By creating pitch deck presentations, one can learn the intricacies behind investor relations and explore similar cases for inspiration. Whether you are looking for continuous support, beneficial partnerships, or startup funding, crafting a professional pitch deck is a solid tool to reach these goals. The main purpose of a pitch deck is to tell an engaging story about a business and highlight all the benefits it possesses. There are also other purposes a pitch deck satisfies, and we look at some of them below.

The crucial pitch deck's purpose consists in successful business communication. It allows you to communicate your business idea in a concise and vivid manner. A clear pitch deck structure helps your potential partners and investors grasp the core of your business, understand its values and concepts, and get a profound understanding of the service or product you offer. Your pitch deck success lies in communicating a compelling narrative about your project and delivering sufficient information about its potential. With a winning pitch deck, you explain the value of your unique solution and how it works, highlight the problem your service or product solves, talk about its scale, and describe how you will capture the market. A good pitch deck helps you transform complex terms into engaging and simple messages and create a dynamic presentation, providing your audiences with a deep understanding of what your business is and the reasons it matters.

One more purpose of a pitch deck is to generate a powerful and positive first impression. Everyone knows that first impressions matter as they shape the first thoughts and opinions about something. A pitch deck often becomes the first contact with potential partners and investors and defines how people will perceive you and your business further. It defines whether they will talk about your case or forget it in a few minutes. Your audiences may have hundreds of similar pitches a month and remember only the most vivid ideas. Human attention span is limited, so your pitch deck should be persuading enough to make them notice your idea and believe in your project. By making a pitch deck, you can shape an incredible first impression about your business and encourage them to support you in the long run. A clear and well-designed pitch deck will captivate your audiences’ interest and prompt them to action.

And lastly, a pitch deck allows you to introduce your team and highlight their advantages. By talking about your team members, their expertise, background, commitment to your project, and vast experience, you can convince people that your case is worth trying and investing in. You can share how their roles influence the development of your business and explain how their collective skills can boost the project. If you share information about your team, potential investors will know that your startup has the power to navigate through difficulties and reach its goals.

Key components of a pitch deck

Every effective story or narrative has a specific structure, enabling it to evolve and captivate the audience smoothly. The same applies to pitch deck creation. You may wonder what to include in a pitch deck to make it an impressive presentation. If you want to create a professional pitch deck, you should know the essential components that shape a powerful presentation. Here, we have gathered the most important elements you should include in your future pitch deck to make it work for you.

Key components of a pitch deck

1. Problem

It is the central element of your pitch deck where you state a specific problem, highlighting its scale and consequences and giving the reasons to overcome it. You explain why this issue is so crucial and requires people’s attention. This part helps you describe how the problem affects people’s lives and outline the emergency of taking action toward it.

2. Solution

Here, you introduce your solution to a certain problem and explain why it is an optimal decision. This pitch deck part delves into the specifics and features of your service or product, enabling people to understand how your project works and what you use to achieve the desired result. Incorporate presentation storytelling to make this point more engaging, and share stories about how your product has already helped people resolve their problems.

3. Your vision

At this stage, you should describe the nature of your business and showcase its core messages and advantages. By sharing information about your vision, you can generate close connections with your audience and make them resonate with your case. Explain how you see your business in the current market and talk about the values you follow. This will help your audiences understand how you are going to reach your goals.

4. Market opportunity

Here, you should demonstrate that there is a growing market where your business will prosper. Illustrate that your project can evolve and grow its potential in the long run. Explain how you can take a strong position and become a viable product.

5. Revenue forecasts

This part is of high importance for your project if you want to secure sufficient funding. You describe how your business will generate revenue, what resources it needs to reach the targets and form a pricing strategy. This way, you provide your potential investors with a clear picture of how your project will increase its profitability in the future.

Design and presentation tips

A well-designed pitch deck increases your chances for success and helps you stand out from the crowd. It influences how people perceive you and remember your business idea. Pitch deck design plays an essential role in building a brand identity, reputation, and overall loyalty. It can make your project a noticeable case that has substantial potential and can boast a professional look. Also, it enables you to enjoy success with your audiences and get all the required resources to develop your business. So, let’s explore some design tips to enhance your pitch deck presentation.

First, try to simplify the text throughout your presentation and make it digestible for your audiences. Avoid using complex terms, long sentences, and jargon. Instead, make it concise and use icons to inject personality into your pitch deck. Iconography can become a part of your branding identity and serve as a vivid tool to convey information without many words.

Also, use high-quality images and illustrations while talking about your project. Introduce your team members with great photos that reflect their professionalism and describe your path with sleek graphics. In addition, you can use animations to amuse your audiences and describe the mission of your business in a vivid manner. This will also add a piece of freshness and create a dynamic atmosphere.

Pay attention to color psychology and incorporate it to your advantage. If you want to look smart and serious, consider blue and black shades. Green is perfect for startups connected to caring for the environment or using natural resources. Research what colors can be appropriate for your product and create branding materials according to this information. Include your logo and brand color in your pitch deck to shape a unique feel of your project.

Customizing your pitch deck

If you want your pitch deck to work for you and help you reach your targets, then explore similar projects and find things you like about them. Research your target audience (decide whether it’s your potential investors, buyers, or partners) and find out their interests, preferences, and habits. This will help you find the right means to create a powerful pitch deck. Tailor the content to reflect the uniqueness and innovativeness of your idea. You can change the structure and presentation length according to your goals and niche specifics.

Examples of pitch decks

If you still feel stuck and don’t know where to start your pitch deck creation journey, then begin by looking through various pitch deck examples. Successful pitch decks will nourish you with inspiration and give you a push to start crafting your own powerful presentation.

example icon

One of the greatest pitch deck examples is the Uber presentation. They use readable fonts and clear colors in their pitch deck that create a sense of professionalism and transparency. Their pitch deck is concise and contains icons and charts that help people perceive information properly.

example icon

Another great example of a successful pitch deck is the Tinder deck. It incorporates storytelling, sharing a relatable story of a guy looking for a girl, and it perfectly works. They use bold fonts and screenshots to convey their message clearly and vividly.

To sum up

A well-crafted pitch deck is a powerful tool for businesses, startups, creators, and entrepreneurs looking to shape partnerships, attract investments, and communicate their vision effectively. It unlocks a bunch of growth opportunities for viable projects. However, building one that makes a lasting impression goes beyond just presenting data - it requires a well-structured story and visually striking design. For many entrepreneurs, finding the right balance between strategy and design can be overwhelming.

That’s where DreamX can help. We specialize in designing custom pitch decks that highlight your vision and attract investor attention. Ready to trust us with your pitch deck design? Let’s connect and create a winning deck that will cut through the noise and give you a competitive edge.

Team Lead of UX/UI Designers
Iryna Boboshko
Team Lead of UX/UI Designers
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Iryna is a UX/UI designer with a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of user needs. Her expertise lies in crafting intuitive interfaces that make complex concepts easy to understand.

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