
How to write pitch deck design a better

Veronika Ovchynnykova
Veronika Ovchynnykova
10 minAugust 22, 2024
How to write pitch deck design a better
How to write pitch deck design a better

You may know everything about your business, its challenges, and niche specifics, as well as its market position and development prospects. You are probably also proud of the competitive advantages and degree of financial stability your product can provide. However, if you strive to achieve great results in the long run, you should make other people aware of your business attractiveness. It can seem a daunting task as users are choosy and surrounded by plenty of luring offers. Anyway, you have no other choice. You should present your service or product in a vivid and meaningful way so that others will pay attention to your activity. One of the available means to claim your business is a better pitch deck design. In this article, we will explore the essentials behind a successful pitch deck and share tips on creating a powerful investor presentation.

If you want your product to prosper, you should talk about it in the most influential way. Keep in mind that human attention and memory span is limited. You will be lucky if they remember just several important ideas about your startup. In most cases, your potential stakeholders encounter dozens of other projects besides yours. This means your pitch should impress them and be understandable to your audience. So, let’s start the journey to improve pitch deck design and make your presentation a successful case!

Purpose of a pitch deck in securing investment

Your pitch deck is a vital development tool that enables you to speak out about your product in a memorable and striking manner. It plays a significant role in attracting and retaining resources. With a well-crafted business pitch, you can find proper business partners and investors who will strengthen your position and unlock growth opportunities. Your pitch deck should contain a go-to-market strategy, a compelling business model, an issue people face, and a solution you offer. Including these points in your pitch will help you to pique the interest of potential investors and persuade them that your case is worth investing in. Don’t forget every investor seeks a beneficial offer to get great results in the long run. Nobody wants to spend money on a doubtful business adventure. So your task is to make your pitch deck look professional and trustworthy.

Sufficient startup funding allows your project to go from idea to viable and competitive business. So, it’s no wonder companies fight for the opportunity to raise capital for their businesses. A captivating pitch deck can win the hearts and minds of your target audience and convince them that your product has the potential for high returns. It makes all the difference in securing investment and people’s commitment to your project. So a good investment pitch enables you to enjoy a great result at the end of the day.

Analyzing your current pitch deck

You shouldn't underestimate the importance of a proper analysis on your pitching journey. Assess your current pitch deck to understand its effectiveness and chances of securing funding. Look at the whole picture and ask yourself whether your deck is clear, concise, and corresponds to the core of your business. Does your pitch deck reflect the nature of your startup? Does it contain an emotional appeal and call to action? Answer these questions honestly if you plan to craft a quality pitch deck.

Evaluate your pitch deck from various angles and know what first impression you can deliver with your presentation. This matters a lot as your pitch is like a first handshake with your potential investors. So you should analyze how your pitch deck design grabs people’s attention and makes them resonate with your topic. Can it form a memorable first impression? Maybe your pitch can be better with storytelling techniques and real-life examples. For example, you can share some stories about how your product or service has already helped to resolve someone’s problem. Tell them about what role your business can play in people’s lives. Also, talk about growth potential, business model, and market opportunity in a vivid way.

Check whether your material is easy to perceive and digest. Tell your business story concisely and clearly so that everyone can understand your idea and its specifics. Transform complex concepts into simple messages that highlight your benefits. Keep in mind investor preferences and market validation while introducing your product advantages. Avoid unnecessary details and shape a straightforward, clutter-free presentation. Clarity instills trust and confidence in your target audience concerning your business plan.

Conduct a proper competitive analysis to obtain invaluable data about your competitors’ sales and products, as well as their marketing strategies. This will help your company gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Emphasizing the unique value proposition

If you want to create a better pitch deck, you should be able to describe and prove a unique value proposition of your service or product. Value prop tells potential customers, partners, and investors about the benefits your project possesses. This reflects how your business solves people’s problems, finds unique solutions, and resonates with current trends. It also demonstrates why your startup is different from others and what features make your offer more attractive compared to similar existing options in the market.

You should highlight your uniqueness to lure support and funding to your project. For instance, you can get to the team introduction and showcase some case studies to let people know about the expertise you manage. Maybe some of your team members have been working in your niche really for a long time and can share a vast experience within your project. Talk about this because it’s a significant advantage investors will pay attention to.

Explain why people should consider your business and what they can get out of it. Superior customer service, inclusiveness, or innovative rare products - all these things can become your distinctive feature encouraging people to support your idea. The unique value proposition is the cornerstone of your business development and influences your audience’s decision-making. Take your best efforts to build a strong UVP and cut through the noise.

Improving key components

A professional pitch deck makes all the difference in securing commitment and improvement for your business. Your ultimate goal can be obtaining funding, continuous support, or beneficial partnerships. Whatever you seek, take time to create a powerful pitch deck that will definitely work for your targets. Whether you are an aspiring startup entrepreneur or an existing company owner, your pitch should align with your niche requirements and have a clear structure. If you want to design a better pitch deck and enjoy the positive result, then pay attention to how you build your presentation. Explore the essential elements and nourish them with quality information.

Below we are looking through the key components of a successful pitch deck and share some tips to enhance them. Learn how to improve your pitch deck and apply your knowledge in no time.

Improving key components

1. Executive summary: making it concise and impactful

An executive summary is a so-called overview of your business plan, emphasizing the most compelling and important points of your business presentation. It usually includes some brief information about the market opportunity, the value proposition, the funding request, the financial projections, and the competitive advantage. Your task is to make this summary persuasive and engaging. How can you accomplish this? Well, first, you should concentrate on the most vital info about your project and its specifics. You can write down the main characteristics of your business idea and then analyze how you can communicate those points in a compelling way.

Avoid information overload and add only relevant information. Make it clear and concise so that everyone can understand and remember the essence of your business. The attention span is limited, so your summary should contain striking data and facts to convince stakeholders to listen to your full business plan. Also, avoid technical details and jargon to provide a smooth and engaging experience for your audience. Mention your business idea, goals, vision, and mission. Then, explain how you turn out to be useful for the market. Ask for financial support and talk about the use of funds. This will demonstrate you are serious about the business and have some strategy for further growth.

2. Problem statement: clearly defining the issue

This is a vital part of your pitch deck, defining the relevance and viability of your business idea. You should clearly state the problem your service or product tackles. The problem you are addressing determines your market attractiveness and helps people grasp the scale of your business. Emphasizing the existence of a widespread issue and highlighting the necessity and urgency of your solution can persuade potential investors and partners to support your project. In addition, a meticulous understanding of the issue your project is solving is crucial for retaining people’s attention.

You may incorporate a compelling narrative to depict the issue and make your audience resonate. By incorporating examples and relatability, you can make it easier for people to feel and understand the pain points of your target market. It will also keep stakeholders interested in discovering more about your solutions.

3. Solution/Product overview: highlighting key features and benefits

Talk about the solution your service or product delivers to demonstrate the essential value your company brings to the market. This pitch component is significant as it highlights your ability and expertise to address a certain problem with a great solution. If you include it in your pitch deck, you will showcase that you have a complete understanding of your business and know what your project should achieve. Your solution is a straightforward explanation of how your product is going to solve the existing problem mentioned before. Here, you should highlight your uniqueness and be realistic but innovative. Talk about the competitive advantages and benefits that make your solution a perfect remedy. Determine the gaps your product fills in the saturated industry landscape.

Product overview serves as a guide for your audience, letting them learn about your business specifics. What is your product? How does it work? It should describe the key features of your service or product and showcase why people will prefer your offer over other options. Here, you should mention all your strong sides and explain what makes your business unique. For example, you can produce some ordinary goods but offer superior customer service and customization options to your clients. Or you may have an innovative idea that will transform the whole industry and resolve some people’s challenges.

4. Financial projections: providing realistic and detailed forecasts

This part plays an important role in persuading investors to fund your business idea. It demonstrates the viability of your business model and helps to understand what your startup can achieve. Is your revenue model sound? You should convince your stakeholders that your project can generate a sustainable flow of revenue and reach profitability. Provide realistic sales predictions, expenses, and funding needs details, as well as a profound cash flow forecast. It is also a good idea to include key metrics such as break-even analysis, gross margin, and net income. In addition, you may introduce your project’s management team and their qualifications and experience.

Refining design and visual appeal

This is an extremely important stage, as visual appeal plays a significant role in delivering a successful pitch. A professional design maintains the audience’s focus and enhances readability. So, do your best to get a dynamic and custom pitch deck design. Find a pitch deck template that aligns with your needs and niche specifics. Use high-quality images and data visualization means to create a functional design. Check the latest pitch deck design trends and think of how you can apply them to your case. You can use various platforms and tools like Figma and Canva to produce a good personalized design. However, keep in mind that it can take some time to learn the basics like technical parts of the programs and color psychology.

While creating a pitch deck design, pay attention to your typography and choose readable fonts. Explore various transitions and animations to add some vivid elements that will enhance the pitch but not distract from the content. Avoid distracting effects and keep transitions and other graphical elements consistent.

If you don’t want to waste time on creating a pitch deck design yourself, then turn to specialists who have all the necessary experience. For example, at DreamX, you can get a functional and user-friendly design that will perfectly correspond to your niche.

Visualizing data with clear charts and graphs

Using graphs and charts can help you make your pitch deck more understandable and concise. Introducing various data is vital when pitching some business idea. Presenting data in clear charts can be more effective as it will give a certain structure to your information. This way, your listeners will easily perceive your speech and digest all the essential info.

Perfecting practice and delivery

Practice your pitch beforehand to feel more confident and relaxed during the performance. Take some time to rehearse all the important points and try to retell them to someone. Prepare for your audience and research what can be important for them. Explore their preferences and predict the questions they may have about your idea.

Avoiding common pitfalls

We all make mistakes, and this is the way we learn. However, when it comes to pitching your business idea, the stakes are high. Here are some of the common mistakes pitch deck creators make.

Avoiding common pitfalls

First, it is the absence of a clear call to action. Your audience should understand what you expect from them and what reaction you count on. Don’t leave your listeners uncertain concerning the next steps. Tell them clearly what you are seeking. It can be specific expertise, funding, or partnerships.

Next, people often overlook the importance of market validation. This mistake can really weaken your pitch. Show the evidence people need your product or service and there is demand for your offer.

Another mistake is crafting overcomplicated pitch deck slides. Complex information is what you should avoid while creating your business presentation, as it can ruin the overall impression of your project. Information overload leads to disengagement and distracts your audience from the core of your business idea. So you should try to make your pitch as clear and easy-to-understand as possible. Make it simple and use bullet points, visuals, and concise text to have an effective and compelling presentation at the end.

To sum up

A dynamic and enticing pitch deck design is key to a successful business start and further development. It can help you to scale up fast and without any complications. Now, with our tips and the basics given in this read, you can create a winning pitch deck design that will help you stand out from the crowd and make people remember your case. Whether you are a startup or an existing company seeking business expansion, a professional pitch deck design plays a crucial role in your growth and unlocks many beneficial opportunities. So keep it simple and make the essential pitch deck components sound impactful and striking. Use graphs and charts, and remember color psychology. Highlight the key features of your product and emphasize the uniqueness and innovativeness of your business idea. Make your messages concise and practice your pitch beforehand to feel confident and prepared during your performance.

Creating an influential pitch deck takes skill, time, and money (if you decide to hire professionals who can deliver a powerful custom pitch deck design for your case). Do your research and get a pitch deck that works for your business. And if you hesitate and don’t know where to start, turn to the DreamX team to get the job done smoothly and effectively.

Team Lead of UX/UI Designers
Veronika Ovchynnykova
Team Lead of UX/UI Designers
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Veronika is a UX/UI design team lead driven by a passion for user-centric design. She spearheads the creation of innovative and effective design solutions that elevate the user experience.

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