
How to hire MVP designers for your startup

Alexandr Korshykov
Alexandr Korshykov
10 minAugust 12, 2024
How to hire MVP designers for your startup
How to hire MVP designers for your startup

One day, each startup comes to a point where they need to develop a Minimum Viable Product to test their idea. MVP is the first workable and saleable version of a business solution. It gives entrepreneurs a chance to test the waters, gather valuable user feedback, and launch a successful product.

Actually, an MVP can significantly speed up the startup’s time to market, but only if it is skillfully designed. This leads to a logical question: Where to find experts who can build your MVP with the best MVP design principles in the shortest terms and at a reasonable price? Should you hire a freelance MVP developer or a reputable design company? Let’s explore the answers together!

Definition of MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

The concept of the MVP wasn't born overnight. However, it is officially attributed to entrepreneur and author Eric Ries in his book "The Lean Startup." He even recorded a YouTube video back then to explain MVP in simple words.

Imagine you have a great idea for a new app. But before you build all the fancy features, it would be wise to test the core concept first. That's exactly what a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is. It's a basic version of your product with just enough features to see if people actually like it and find it helpful. Think of it like a first draft – it may be far from being perfect, but it gives you valuable feedback to build the best possible final product.

How does a startup benefit from an MVP?

There are several strong advantages you get when investing in a Minimum Viable Product.

How does a startup benefit from an MVP?
  1. Idea testing. MVP is a budget-friendly way to test your product in the market. 35% of startups fail as there is no market need for the idea they are trying to sell. MVP validates features, target audience, and market demand. This iterative design process helps you refine your product before investing heavily in digital product development.

  2. Reduced costs. An MVP development focuses on core features only, and your development expenses are minimal in this case. This allows you to save money and resources before developing a full-fledged product.

  3. Faster product launch. An MVP speeds up your path to the market quicker. It gives you a crucial first-mover advantage and allows you to leave competitors behind. It also allows you to conduct user testing and collect feedback to iterate and improve your product based on real data.

  4. Increased funding opportunities. An MVP helps attract investors who favor tangible products over ideas. A functional MVP builds confidence with its data-driven traction and increases your chances of securing early-stage financing.

Did you know? An MVP approach allows startups to bring products to market three times faster than those that use traditional development methods.

Role of an MVP designer

An MVP designer creates a simplified version of a product. It includes only the essential features for early adopters in order to validate the product concept. What exactly are MVP designer’s duties?

  1. Design thinking. An MVP designer is a master of a user-centric approach. They empathize with user needs, define the core problem, and rapidly prototype solutions.

  2. UX/UI design. An MVP creator is a connoisseur of user experience design. They prioritize intuitive navigation, smooth workflows, and efficient solutions to users' problems.

  3. Wireframing and prototyping. They are visual magicians that enable users to interact with an MVP. They create high-quality design deliverables - low-fidelity sketches and interactive models that simulate the final product.

  4. Lean and agile development. An MVP designer is an advocate of Lean startup methodology. They build a product with just the essential features to validate the concept and reduce costs.

  5. Communication. An MVP designer is an expert of remote collaboration. They get precious stakeholder feedback by working seamlessly with developers, product managers, and other parties.

Did you know? The impact of an MVP designer's expertise is huge! A well-designed MVP can increase product success rate by 60%!

Identifying your needs

When it comes to an MVP, a startup must make a crucial decision: who will bring it to life? There are two options available:

  1. A professional design company. Usually, it is a team of experts with diverse skill sets (front-end, back-end, UX/UI, graphic design skills). You will benefit from smooth communication and centralized project management. However, hiring a full team can be expensive, and scaling up or down is typically less flexible.

  2. Freelance designers. Individual specialists provide a cost-effective solution. You can even assemble a team to meet your needs. However, managing multiple freelancers requires strong communication and project management skills. Additionally, finding reliable talent is often a challenge.

Secure a high-quality MVP design by working with a trusted company.

Avoid the uncertainties of freelancers

Identifying your needs

Where to find MVP designers

There are many places where you can find MVP designers.

  • Social media networks. Look through your professional connections on LinkedIn and Twitter - you can find many useful recommendations.

  • Freelance platforms. Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal are full of offers from MVP designers.

  • Design communities. There are a lot of portfolios of talented designers on Dribbble and Behance platforms.

  • Tech hubs and conferences. Networking at tech events and startup incubators can connect you with the experts you seek.

Did you know? You can host a design contest on platforms like 99Designs or DesignCrowd. This approach can help you find true gems!

Qualities to look for

A successful MVP depends on the background of the team behind it. A randomly selected specialist is a risky venture. You need a cross-functional unit that works together flawlessly. Here are essential qualities for your MVP dream team:

  • Domain expertise. MVP designers need to understand your product's purpose, target audience, and market demand.

  • Technical skills. MVP designers must be tech-fluent—HTML, CSS, and Javascript are the building blocks of MVP.

  • Design prowess. An MVP is a UX/UI design sprint! Experts know the secrets of intuitive and engaging interfaces.

  • Business acumen. An MVP designer must be well-versed in data analysis and know how to track key metrics, identify trends, and use these insights to refine your MVP.

Crafting a compelling job description

The labor market may seem oversaturated at first glance, but you will soon find out that it is a challenge to hook a talent. Make your job description clear-cut and appealing.

  • Start with a catchy headline. It must not be boring. Spark interest with a headline like “We are looking for an MVP design rockstar!

  • Describe your project. Briefly explain your company's mission and the problem your product solves.

  • Outline the task. Explain what outcome you expect.

  • Be clear about compensation. Detail what you offer in return: a competitive salary, flexible work schedule, bonuses.

Did you know? The average UX/UI designer salary in the US is over $105K per year, according to Glassdoor. This may help you understand what compensation you might be ready to offer

Managing the design process

A great MVP starts with organization! Here are some key tips on how you can control the process:

  • Assign a project manager. It can be someone on your team or the development team. The manager must keep things on track from planning to launch.

  • Develop a road map and track every stage. Use project management collaborative tools to follow the progress. This helps spot any issues in time.

  • Keep deadlines. Set a clear launch date for your MVP. Work backwards to create achievable milestones and deadlines for your team.

Setting key performance indicators (KPIs)

Use these five parameters to evaluate the success of your MVP:

  1. User engagement. Track metrics like session duration and click-through rates to see whether users are interested in your product.

  2. Customer feedback. Collect feedback via surveys and user testing to identify weak areas.

  3. Conversion rate. Measure actions like sign-ups or early purchases to assess effectiveness.

  4. Time to market. Ensure the MVP is delivered on schedule to stay agile.

  5. Cost efficiency. Check whether your MVP development cost matches the allocated budget.

Wrapping up

Selecting the right designer for an MVP is crucial for its success. An MVP is not a static product. User engagement is crucial for its refinement. Analysis of user feedback and improvements based on their needs will help you set the stage for a highly engaging product.

If you need professional advice on MVP, from its creation to launch and support, DreamX design company is at your service. We know all the intricacies of MVP visual design to find a unique solution for you. Interested? We are waiting for your request!

Founder & CEO
Alexandr Korshykov
Founder & CEO
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Alexandr is the founder and CEO of DreamX, a company transforming the digital design landscape. Under his guidance, DreamX consistently delivers innovative and user-focused UX/UI solutions.

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