
How to create a pitch deck for investors

Max Voronin
Max Voronin
10 minSeptember 17, 2024
How to create a pitch deck for investors
How to create a pitch deck for investors

All business founders want their companies to prosper and generate the profits they expect. However, it takes time and ample resources to make everything work the way you suppose it to work. Every business goes through the development stage with its challenges and complexities. It includes marketing efforts, building a brand reputation, product changes, or fixing some bags. Startups and established businesses across all industries encounter various obstacles and have a wide list of required steps to overcome them. Of course, they need funding for long-term growth and day-to-day functions. An investor pitch deck is a vital communication tool enabling entrepreneurs to raise money for business development.

In this article, we will explore how to create an investor pitch deck and learn the key components that play a significant role in winning over investors. So, let’s waste no time and start our investor pitch deck creation journey immediately!

Importance of a well-crafted pitch deck for securing investment

Whether you are an existing business owner or have just launched a startup, your business needs sufficient funding to generate profits in the long run. Whatever the industry your business revolves around, you have an array of tasks, plans, and strategies to implement, and they probably require some finances. All entrepreneurs face this reality and start seeking ways to raise money for their business development. So, creating a pitch deck for investors turns into a necessary step to attract people to your idea and make them resonate with it. It unlocks plenty of growth opportunities and makes your business work more efficiently.

By crafting the right pitch deck for raising capital, you increase your chances of getting noticed and remembered by investors who may nourish your project with sufficient funding. You know that first impressions matter a lot in business and shape the way people perceive you and your brand. The first picture potential investors and backers will get of your business and team is through your investor pitch deck. It forms your reputation and reflects the core values your business possesses. Your pitch deck presentation, along with the design and content of your deck, helps investors understand whether they want to continue considering your business idea.

An investor-focused pitch deck can give you the necessary resources and the chance to get back to things that really matter: developing your project and building its image. Being prepared with a personalized and professional investor pitch deck can free up your mental space and time to focus on vital aspects such as the overall marketing strategy and launching of new products. Continuous financial support will allow you to overcome any financial challenges and cover unexpected expenses that may arise. So, crafting an investment pitch is key to constant business development and making people hear about your business and talk about it.

A brief overview of what investors look for in a pitch deck

A typical investor may see hundreds of pitch decks every year. Humans’ attention span is limited, so investors usually spend 2-5 minutes looking through each business story before deciding whether they want to discuss something with the founder. An effective pitch deck structure can help you spark interest in their minds and begin a fruitful conversation. So, you need to know what they look for in a pitch deck to craft an impactful business presentation. In this investor presentation guide, we look at factors that matter to your potential investors and explore what they expect to see in your pitch deck. This way, you learn the necessary points to include in your presentation to make them interested in your business.

First, remember about pitch deck financial projections, as it’s important for investors to evaluate the financial aspect of your project. How much revenue will your startup generate? What is your current financial status? Are your revenue projections reasonable? They expect to find the answers to these questions in your pitch deck to assess the attractiveness of your business idea. Also, investors value clear and concise statements and want to know how much money the business needs and how these finances will be spent. Do you need this money to launch new products, hire more employees, invest in new equipment, or move to new premises?

Second, pay attention to the competitive edge of your business when preparing a pitch deck for startup funding. What makes your project stand out from the crowd? Investors want to pour their money into ideas with a significant advantage in their business models. Market opportunity analysis in pitch decks is priceless and crucial in this case. Give them evidence that your service or product resonates with your target audience and addresses a real need in the market. Businesses with strong advantages usually have higher earnings potential that attracts more investors and backers. Highlight all your strengths and talk about them confidently. Whether it’s a great team of professionals by your side, superior partnerships, or a proprietary technology, emphasize it in your pitch deck.

Finally, ensure that your pitch deck for investors includes the core values your business communicates to the target audience and unique concepts that make your project a vivid example of an inspiring case. Nourish your pitch deck with a compelling vision for the future and outline how your long-term goals align with the investor's objectives. This way, you will have more chances of winning the hearts and minds of your potential backers.

Purpose of an investor pitch deck

Investor pitch decks are concise and clear presentations crafted to help potential investors grasp the core of your business idea and understand more about your project's nature. They help your audience analyze your goals, strategies, services, and products. Its main purpose is to communicate the right message to investors so that they start considering your project as a lucrative opportunity to support. A professional investor deck makes them resonate with your idea and prompts them to invest their money into your business. Well-crafted pitch deck slides for investors allow you to demonstrate the benefits your business possesses and persuade people to help you develop it.

Key components of an investor pitch deck

Your goal is to get your potential investors’ attention and interest. A well-structured pitch deck will be your precious aid in this matter, as it can reflect all the benefits your business idea has. Here are key elements of a pitch deck you should know and remember when producing an investor pitch deck.

Key components of an investor pitch deck

1. Problem

First, you should build your pitch deck so that your listeners can relate and resonate with the problem you are going to solve. You should be clear here and put your audience in the shoes of your target customers. Give the context and highlight a typical user’s challenges and pain points. Describe the issue clearly, giving examples and details of how the problem irritates people daily.

2. Great solution

Once you have described the problem, talk about how your business can help people overcome that difficulty. Offer a detailed description of how your business idea can relieve people’s lives and be beneficial to typical users. How do you solve their problem, and what means do you use for that? Tell people why your solution is the best option for the existing issue.

3. Mission

One of the essential components of your pitch deck is a set of values you have and the steps you take to align with them. State your mission and shape a clear message to your target audience. Tell them what you are pursuing and what things matter to you most. Discuss your vision and what you are doing to shape the required image.

4. Unique product

Introduce your product and incorporate pitch deck storytelling to demonstrate how this product took shape and evolved. You can also share a story of how it has already helped someone to overcome the problem and stay content with life. Discuss the product’s unique value and its key features, making it a superior option for a customer.

5. Your team

Introduce your team members and explain their roles in your project. Talk about their knowledge, qualifications, experience, and previous successful cases. This will show investors that you have seasoned experts who can help develop your business. Highlight your team members’ strengths and describe how they boost the project.

Steps for designing your pitch deck

If you want people to invest in your product or service, you need to persuade them that your business is viable and has significant growth potential. You should convince your target audience that your project is the best opportunity they currently have. But how do you do that? The answer combines several factors influencing the success of your pitch deck. One of those factors is a strong pitch deck visual design, sparking people’s interest and making them believe in your business. It increases your chances of getting funded and shapes a positive brand image, leading to successful partnerships and continuous support. Here are some vital steps you should take to design a solid investor pitch deck.

1. Share a story

People adore personal stories and listen to them attentively and with pleasure. So, you should make efforts to produce a compelling story of your business idea, emphasizing the problem your product resolves, your unique solution, market opportunity, and growth potential. Pitch deck storytelling is a powerful tool every business owner should use to make an influential performance. It allows you to share your genuine story and become closer to your listeners. This way, you can form an emotional connection with your audience and persuade them that your idea is worth considering. Incorporate case studies, or customer testimonials to revive the presentation and make it look personalized and genuine.

2. Visualize your data

Don’t make your statistics and data seem overwhelming to your audience. They play a significant role in your investor pitch deck, and you should try to make them work for your case. Bring your basic information to life and visualize important data and numbers. You can convey complex information in a visually engaging and clear way. Use various data visualization tools to produce graphs, infographics, and charts.

3. Keep it simple

Simplicity is a vital notion when it comes to creating a powerful investor pitch deck. Allow your content to shine, and opt for a simple and clean design, avoiding cluttering your presentation with excess information. Excessive visuals or too much text can ruin the first impression and lead to bored listeners who will not remember your business idea with all its benefits. If you want to craft an easy-to-digest investor pitch deck, use ample white space, vivid visuals, and concise bullet points.

Common mistakes to avoid

People make mistakes while creating pitch decks, too. Entrepreneurs often do things wrong when crafting a pitch deck for investors. That’s why we have highlighted certain common mistakes you should avoid in your pitch deck creation process.

1. Many words

You should remember that investors usually have hundreds of pitch decks monthly, and their attention span is limited. They can consider long pitch decks unprofessional and put them aside. Then, how many slides should you use to make a good impression? Everything depends on your niche and project specifics, but it averages up to twenty slides. Avoid small font sizes and wordy slides at all costs. Communicate a strong message by using several sentences and including tables, charts, and pictures.

2. Use of jargons

You create your pitch deck for investors, and they might not know a thing about your niche and its specifics. However, you should create such a deck so that everyone can understand the service or product you offer. Acronyms and jargon are confusing and unnecessary in most cases.

3. Poor design

Poor design can ruin the first impression and leave your business idea aside. You should consider a lot of important things when designing an investor pitch deck. Pay attention to the color palette, consistency, margins, images, and font sizes in your pitch deck creation process. If you don’t have time to learn the design basics and technical aspects of design programs, then turn to design professionals who will deliver a clean and sleek pitch deck design for your case.

Presenting your pitch deck

A pitch deck unlocks multiple funding opportunities for your startup or existing company. So you should do your best to present it in the most vivid and clear way. Incorporate the best pitch deck practices and boost your presentation skills by taking some time to prepare. Research your potential investors’ backgrounds and learn their past interests to tailor your pitch deck appropriately. Also, remember that confidence comes with practice. So, rehearse your pitch, retell it, and understand everything clearly.

To sum up

Creating an investor pitch deck is an essential step for any entrepreneur seeking to secure funding and propel their business forward. A well-crafted pitch deck not only presents your business idea compellingly but also builds trust with potential investors by highlighting key aspects such as your unique value proposition, market opportunity, financial projections, and team strengths. By focusing on clarity, simplicity, and engaging storytelling, you can capture investor interest and drive meaningful conversations that lead to funding opportunities.

To succeed, ensure your pitch deck is visually engaging and concise, avoiding common pitfalls like excessive jargon, poor design, and overly lengthy presentations. Remember, the goal is to communicate your business vision and potential impact effectively. If you need professional assistance in creating a compelling pitch deck that aligns with your business goals, DreamX is here to help. Our team specializes in designing investor-focused pitch decks that tell your story with impact and clarity. Partner with us to turn your vision into an unforgettable presentation that captivates investors and accelerates your growth journey!

Head of Lead Generation
Max Voronin
Head of Lead Generation
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Max Voronin is the Head of Lead Generation at DreamX. He is dedicated to developing strategies that cultivate high-quality leads and forge strong partnerships, fueling the company's growth.

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