
How much does a pitch deck cost? An in-depth breakdown.

Alexandr Korshykov
Alexandr Korshykov
10 minAugust 26, 2024
How much does a pitch deck cost? An in-depth breakdown.
How much does a pitch deck cost? An in-depth breakdown.

Are you ready to bring your business idea in front of potential investors? You must present it in a way to make a strong impression and secure funding. For this, you need a pitch deck. According to rough estimates, over a thousand pitch decks are created daily, and only a tiny percent manage to succeed. So, where do you start, and what should you expect to pay for a professional pitch deck? This article will guide you through the process of creating an impactful business presentation. You will discover the best resources and services available. Besides, you will understand the typical pitch deck cost involved, so you can prepare effectively and make wise decisions.

Importance of a well-crafted pitch deck in securing funding and partnerships

Startups’ path to success is usually long and thorny. Financial challenges are unavoidable, and securing funding is a decisive stage for most startups. Potential investors range from angel investors, who are typically wealthy individuals, to venture capitalists, who manage funds from institutional investors. Asking for funding is always tough! Especially if you have only one shot to win an investor. And this shot is your thrilling business story, also known as a pitch deck. It is not just a dry presentation of facts; it’s a compelling narrative of your future business. It showcases your vision, market opportunity, and financial potential.

What makes an investor presentation a success? Investors look for more than stories. You must convince them that your business can grow rapidly and generate substantial revenue. So, you must show there is a market demand for your idea, present realistic financial forecasts, and highlight the expertise of your team members. In short, your custom pitch deck should convince investors they will get a return on their investment.

“A great pitch deck doesn't just tell your story—it makes me believe in your vision. I want to see how you’re solving a real problem in a big market, and that your team has the passion and expertise to make it happen.” — Mark Suster, Venture Capitalist at Upfront Ventures.

So, a startup funding deck must be made professionally to hook investors. Read on to learn how much it can cost.

Factors influencing the cost of pitch deck

A pitch deck is often underestimated. At first glance, it may seem like a simple slideshow. However, it must convey a complex business idea into an easily scannable presentation. It is a blend of art and science that combines visual appeal with accurate data analysis. It is a strategic tool that can make or break a startup. The cost of slide deck creation can vary significantly. Today, pitch deck pricing starts at $500 and reaches up to $10,000. Let’s review the main factors that influence it.

Factors influencing the cost of pitch deck
  1. Complexity and length of the deck
  2. There is no strict rule for pitch deck length. However, industry standards suggest you should make it from 10 to 20 slides. At the same time, remember that investors have short attention spans. So, the task is to find that golden mean and show key information without cluttering slides with unnecessary details.

    A basic pitch deck with simple design elements and a few custom graphics will be more affordable. If you need advanced graphic design for pitch decks, the cost will automatically increase. These are features like custom illustrations, animations, or infographics. For example, a tech startup might require detailed visuals to show how their product works or the flow of user interactions. It will require specialized design skills and therefore will cost more.

  3. Content creation
  4. A pitch deck does not have much content. But this is where the principle “the less is more” works. High-quality content requires research, writing, and data analysis. You will need to prepare market research, competitive analysis, and financial modeling. It often requires expertise. Besides, the language of your pitch deck must be clear and powerful. Every word and phrase must convey a message. You may need a professional copywriter. Then, you should transform data and text into visually appealing and easy-to-understand charts and graphs. You will need a skilled pitch deck design specialist for this job.

    Outsourcing content creation to professionals can save time and boost the overall quality of the pitch deck, but it will also increase the cost.

  5. Revisions and edits
  6. A pitch deck is a dynamic document. It often requires several rounds of revisions. After the initial draft is completed, you will usually need to fine-tune the content or adjust the design. Even multiple versions of a pitch deck may be needed if you want to approach different audiences or investors. This is an absolutely normal part of the process, but it affects the overall cost.

    Simple edits, like fixing typos or adjusting a few slides, usually cost less. However, major changes - rewriting parts of the deck, redesigning many slides, or adding new research - can significantly increase the price tag.

Cost breakdown

There are several ways to create a pitch deck. Each of these options can be utilized if you know the potential pros and cons.

  1. DIY (Do It Yourself)
  2. A DIY approach is the most cost-effective choice. You can create the pitch deck yourself using free or inexpensive DIY pitch deck tools. This option provides complete control over the content and design. Who knows how to customize it better than you? Moreover, you can follow a template of one of the decks from successful businessmen. For example, Peter Thiel’s pitch deck template is often cited as an example of a highly effective entrepreneur funding presentation format. It offers clear structure and focuses on critical aspects that investors care about.

    Pros: You get full control over your pitch deck creation and bring costs to zero.

    Cons: Without a strong background, the quality of your pitch deck may be questionable.

  3. Freelance Designers
  4. You can hire a freelance pitch deck designer to create your pitch deck. They usually charge per hour and their rates vary. On Upwork, you can find freelancers who ask for anything from $25 to $200 per hour. This variant looks attractive. However, it can be a challenge to verify their credentials. Make sure the candidate has graphic design training and check their reviews. Also, remember freelance pitch deck consultants are solo workers who might lack backup plans if unexpected issues arise. Take time to interview them and review their past work before hiring.

    Pros: You get access to professional design expertise at an affordable cost.

    Cons: Quality can vary, project management might be challenging, and finding the right designer can be time-consuming.

  5. Design agencies
  6. Design agencies offer full design services, from research and concepts to final designs and pitch deck revisions. They bring valuable expertise and manage the entire project, even if they tend to be more expensive. Design agencies often have teams of professionals who ensure high-quality results and handle complex projects efficiently. They have experience working with startups and understand investor preferences. However, the slide design pricing usually starts at $1,000. Whatever investment you may need to make, professional design can seriously improve your chances of securing funding.

    Pros: You get a polished and high-impact final product.

    Cons: A professional pitch deck agency may be expensive.

  7. Specialized pitch deck firms
  8. Some companies specialize exclusively in pitch deck services and offer a high level of expertise in this area. Their services cover design, development, and marketing strategies to help businesses clearly convey their value propositions. They work with multiple industries to be able to conduct deep market research for pitch deck and know all the intricacies of fundraising. Besides, these agencies often offer additional services like financial modeling and storytelling in pitch decks. Their price depends on the firm's expertise and the deck's complexity. But be prepared for a sum between $2,000 and $10,000.

    Pros: These agencies have a proven track record in creating successful pitch decks.

    Cons: Specialized firms usually charge premium rates.

Hidden costs to consider

Beyond the clear presentation design fees, you must be prepared for some additional expenses:

Hidden costs to consider
  • Opportunity cost. Sometimes, you will have to spend more time on your pitch deck than you planned. It distracts you from your main business activities and impacts overall productivity.
  • Data collection and research. You may need to hire experts for accurate market research, financial data, and competitive analysis, and it can be expensive.
  • Software and tools. You may need to buy design software and other tools. These are necessary for creating a professional-looking pitch deck.
  • Printing and distribution. If you need physical copies of your pitch deck for meetings or presentations, consider additional costs for this.
  • Legal and financial reviews. You may need professional help from legal or financial experts to check whether your pitch deck is accurate and meets all regulations, and it is also costly.

Tips for managing pitch deck costs

Most startups usually have restricted budgets and look to save money where possible. So here are a few steps to make it more affordable.

  • Define your budget. Clearly outline how much you are ready to spend on the pitch deck. This will help you narrow down your options and avoid overspending.
  • Evaluate all options. Consider DIY, freelance designers, design agencies, or specialized pitch deck firms. Compare costs, services offered, and turnaround times.
  • Try the DIY method. Use AI-based tools or ready-made templates to generate initial drafts. However, you will need to refine the content, add your unique voice, and ensure the deck reflects your brand identity.
  • Use a barter system. Explore opportunities to exchange services or products for design work. This can be a creative way to reduce costs.


Creating a pitch deck on your own can be cheap but there is no guarantee you will make it right. A professional designer or consultant can be expensive, but they greatly increase your chances of capturing an investor's attention. The choice between DIY and hiring a pro depends on your budget. Ask yourself how important a polished presentation is for your potential investors.

Remember, a well-crafted pitch deck can help you make a strong impression and secure valuable investment opportunities. Need professional advice? Contact the DreamX design team. We will gladly help you find a solution to present your business idea in the best light. Your success is our success!

Founder & CEO
Alexandr Korshykov
Founder & CEO
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Alexandr is the founder and CEO of DreamX, a company transforming the digital design landscape. Under his guidance, DreamX consistently delivers innovative and user-focused UX/UI solutions.

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